Hi again, gang. Thanks for your help the other day - much appreciated!

So the reason I needed that help is because I use Xara Designer Pro 10 to create files for printing - and Xara, like Photoshop, uses RGB colors. Never had an issue with it when creating images and turning them into PNGs for prints, t-shirts etc. My online printing company never complained, and certainly my customers never complained. But then the other day a new brick-and-mortar printer whom we were using for a project asked that my design be re-submitted in CMYK colors, because of color shifts between that color system and RGB. So I had to do a bit of scrambling to fulfill that request.

Now I've always been aware of the differences between CMYK and RGB colors - RGB is for web and computer programs, but CMYK is used by some printers to, well, print. Needless to say, when I processed my RGB-colored art into CMYK colors using Xara, there was a color shift all right, ugh. Mostly the colors were faded-looking. My customer wasn't too happy with them. A fellow artist converted the RGB file using the Adobe Illustrator program, and the results were MUCH better, thank goodness. But I don't have AI, nor do I want it (too expensive)!

So, my question is: how do you created a color image in Xara using CMYK colors? I can't find any reference to that in my Xara instruction book. I can't believe that the only way is to render the colors in RGB, then push the "Printer Colors" button, see how bad the colors will look when printed, and then keep tweaking them in RGB until they look decent in CMYK or your head explodes. Does anyone here have any suggestions? Thanks so much!