Hello All,
I was having the same problem that many of you have had where you needed to change text or content on the mobile version and didn’t want it to be changed on the main version. Well, I saw in one of these threads that I could unlink them. This does mean that I would have to copy the info to both sides but I dont mind.
I personally don’t really like mobile pages but my target audience does. I tried it out and it’s working great with one problem. I can’t switch to the main version unless I’m on desktop. Even if I click “request desktop version,” it doesn’t work! I’m not sure if this is because I unlinked them or not. (I don’t think it is.)
Since the majority of my audience only uses their phones or tablets, is there a way around this? A code or something?
I’m using an IPhone X. My Xara Web Designer says v16?
Thank you!!