<meta property="og:url" content="http://hbm.bike/" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Houston Bicycle Museum" />
<meta property="og:image" content="http://hbm.bike/hbm_sunshinebikes.jpg" />

I pasted these meta tags in the Web Properties, Website TAB, then the HTML code head.

this is what Facebooks says:
"Unknown Image Error Provided og:image URL, http://hbm.bike/hbm_sunshinebikes.jpg encountered an unknown error."

Without these meta tags, Facebook will find one of the first images in the body:
http://hbm.bike/index_htm_files/6226.jpg and use this as the image to embed within a facebook post.
But it seems from testing that some devices, Facebook "scraper" still cannot pick this up always, particularly iphones, so I've decided to specify these meta og: tags.

The only way I can get the scraper to not issue an error is if I specify an image that is actually rendered in the HTML.
http://hbm.bike/hbm_sunshinebikes.jpg I uploaded separately via FTP to my website. Xara recodes all image filenames when I upload or export. So sunshinbikes.jpg is not actually in the HTML code of the website. So this is the meta tag I'm going to use:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://hbm.bike/index_htm_files/6226.jpg" />

Is there a better way to specify an image for when Facebook users use the hbm.bike URL in a post and a nice image dispalys with the URL? Also, is there a way to have Xara not 'variablize an image name? Thank you.