Quote Originally Posted by restless View Post
Thank you thank you thank you! .....

Oops... just found a problem: When I add a picture and use Repel Text Under to wrap the text around the picture, the picture doesn't adjust to compensate for larger type - some of the type is disappearing under the photos.

np, glad to help¿ ..well, almost. Anyway, I've already bit off on X16 and I'm not going back; it's just not my way of doing business. I would say that you've uncovered a bug and could you please report it.

As an aside, there are a few things that you might try, but one being an adjustable margin/buffer using percentage of VH. Honestly, although I am trying to sound competent, I don't know what I am talking about. Perhaps another idea being to possibly add a border around the image?

I believe that if the image grows as the text grows, then there shouldn't be a problem. I just hope that it spawns some ideas. I also purchased Bootstrap Studio, so right now my head is spinning just a little bit.