Hello Boy and Egg,

First off, thank you so much for your efforts to help. Very much appreciated. I replied to you both last night, but saw some message about my post needing to be approved. Might be because of the attempt to attach a large .web file!

Anyway, I think I figured it out.

I was changing bullet and number text and then clicking 'Update "Normal Text" in this variant'. The 'Update "Normal Text" in this variant' option doesn't work on number lists or bullet points. It gives a warning message, which I didn't understand as I didn't really under stand what the 'Update "Normal Text" in this variant' was trying to do.

Here's the correct process in case someone else comes across this.

In your new variant, you may have text in paragraphs, numbered lists or bullet lists using Style "Normal Text".
If you want to change the attributes of all the text in that variant which use Style "Normal Text", select some text in an ordinary paragraph and change it (perhaps increase the size).
While text is still selected, chose the style drop down and select the option 'Update "Normal Text" in this variant'.
Everywhere in that variant, including paragraphs, numbered lists and bullets will change. But "Normal text" text in other variants will not change.

Thanks again.