OK, so here's what I did.

Created a rectangle 192.9px X 140.4px (I don't think it has to be exact, it's just what I ended up with after shrinking down the MS emoji)

The rectangle I used as a background to the emoji itself, to center the emoji on the background.

Create your emoji to fit within the parameters of the rectangle.

(When creating the emoji AND the background, I used 'Named Colors' because you never know when you might want to adjust colors or shading)

Once you satisfied with your emoji and it is centered on the rectangle, make sure they're grouped...

Finally, export them each as a jpeg file to a "Folder" you've created for this purpose so you can find them later. Export jpeg as True Color, 50 dpi, Maintain Screen Anti-aliasing and 100 percent jpeg quality.

That's it!

Now I haven't uploaded any of my emojis for Android messaging, but for iPhone messaging you can do the following in order to use them on your Apple Messenger:

Go on the internet and log in to your iCloud account: https://www.icloud.com/#

Next: Double click on the "Photos" icon.

Under "Albums" create a new folder called Emojis or whatever you want to call it.

Open your new Album and then click on the icon (looks something like this ) in the upper left part of the screen.

Go to the folder on your computer where you exported your emoji jpeg files and select as many as you want to upload, (I uploaded 19 at one time) and click the "Open" button at the lower left of the screen.

Your emojis will be uploaded in a few seconds and they'll now be available on your iPhone for messaging.

I don't think I've forgotten anything, so I think that's it.

I hope someone finds this fun and useful!