The problem is that a site can look however one wants it to look but at the end of the day, the client wants the site to look good, not be different for the sake of it, there is such a thing as user experience, and sites like tramastudio work for a creative company but a client would balk at it. site visitors expect certain things; easy navigation, fast loading, and no distractions, whoever decided to have the damn music in the background needs a good talking to. Too much 'creativity' may be good for the designer or the client even but when it comes to the actual site visitor then certain rules have to be followed.

Also, we only use the theme because Wordpress demands a theme, the actual website is created from a blank, very few professionals use themes, site builders have allowed them to create as they wish without all the restrictions and bloat of a theme. Plus with some pagebuilders, one has as much or more freedom to design as one wishes. Any element can be placed anywhere using absolute positioning. But at the end of the day, the site visitor is the king, we don't want them annoyed by music, we don't want them waiting forever for 'effects' to load and we certainly don't want them getting confused with how to navigate the website.