Dear Xara...

You have created solutions that are not compatible with MS Word for Tables and Text Inside.

Tables are not exported as tables as understood by MS Word and therefore cannot be manipulated with MS Word within the definition of adding a row, column, repositioning cells, changing cell colour styles and the like.

Text Inside does not accurately make it into MS Word by either copy & paste or Export as docx.
The former loses the text completely. The latter just does half a job.

On first export, you get a dialog warning that the design does not have Word compatible formatting.
There is a button choice to Convert and review. Nothing happens with this.

Forced to a second document, if you use the Convert and export button, you find the text is foreshortened but the not visible part is there.
It seems to export the text as aligned but nothing further.

Having chosen two options, the dialog is no longer available. Seemingly too for other document Exports for that Xara session (or ever, so far).

It is also disappointing that Text Inside and probably most new features are so off from being backward-compatible with earlier versions; an unstressed Xara USP that I have always applauded.

Sadly, even a simple text line fails when it extends off the page.
If the line is long enough, Xara chosen to wrap the line but at a random point.
