Just read Xara's magix support has crashed. Not surprising though and hope it won't disappear like Serif products!

It's true that we are seeing rapid changes and technological improvements and features like Grid, Boostrap and " With new techniques, technologies and movements constantly arriving on the scene, our sense of where things are going is more uncertain than ever. " In the coming years, web gurus believe that web designs are going to incorporate some form of artificial intelligence.

Xara Web Designer being a visual drag and drops however have had difficulties with the mobile variants especially if it has been done without one of its templates with push and it's a hell working with that. It should have at least been able to make the screen automatically responsive like Website Realizer, Bootstrap Studio.

On the Updating aspects, it has failed lamentably. Xara has only been able to fill its coffers with its update service and i's like removing from the woods and get into the forest !

No serious updates if only twice a year just like before. Will Xara be able to cope with the paradigm shift happening in web design or going extinct like the Dodo which I don't wish . It's up to Xara to re-invent itself and present a software for the future especially, it's an expensive software. Is pageless design the future for all native devices? If yes, where would then Xara be situated?