I haven't been registered for a very long time but I've been through a lot of the forum and this reading has been very instructive for me: my essay with Xara will remain an essay, like the one I had already done in the very early 2000s.
Magix seems more interested in selling its products by offering bonuses that are not used to improve Xara.
Moreover, the forum gives the impression of being the preserve of a few people who rule it and sometimes have a perfectly unpleasant and sufficient behaviour towards other members, it is the first time I have seen it so much on a forum. I myself am a moderator on a forum and I have difficulty understanding these behaviours, certainly due to the long standing of these people and who feel all-powerful.
I understand that Xara users who have been Xara users for twenty or thirty years are reluctant to leave this software for another because they know it perfectly well, but I think that new users, such as myself, will have less difficulty doing so and returning to their old software or even trying another one. Magix may have some concerns if they continue their stupid policies and don't listen to their customers.
Anyway, my adventure with Xara is over and I am also leaving the forum.
However, I wish you all the best, with or without Xara.