My main client (I'm semi-retired) wants to take the maintenance of the site I designed and built for them in-house. The driver is expense even though I charge them pennies fo the work. In fact the client isn't really concerned at my bills but they're having to lay staff off and having the website done outside isn't good politically. They believe an employee is capable of doing the work and I've suggested they download a trial copy of XWD and make sure this lady is happy she can do the job.

I've sought information from Xara about what to move over to the client's computer if they decide to go ahead I'm confident I can hand over a working installation.

What I'm anxious to know is whether there's anything the wise heads here can suggest I do in preparation for the whole being given back to me in a mess.

My initial thoughts are to keep a copy of everything I hand over to them and to ask the client to send me copies of every update they give to the in-house lady. My theory is that I could correctly update the site from the handover point onwards.

The other option I considered in the event it was handed back to me was to install their backup versions in reverse order trying to figure out where the lady went wrong. Having said that I'm not sure my experience is broad enough to make that a feasible option. My inclination is to go back to the point I handed the site over and re-do the amendments myself.

If anyone's had a similar experience I'd like to learn from them.

Many thanks
