P & GD DL x64 May 7 2018 plus the update 31 May running on Windows 10

Inserted a photo grid and drag'n'dropped photos into it. Playing around with actions (for instance, how do I increase the size of (or crop) one of the photos?) I went to skew the grid and got this in an [OK] dialog:

JavaScript error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined"
SmartLayout.js (2): for(var i=!1,a=this._initAdjustments(),s=0;s<o.length;s++) {var h=o[s],l=65535&h.id,c=e[l];if("TextStory"===h.type&&(c&io)!==go&&(c&Vo)!==qo &&(c&Vo)!==Jo){var p=h.content,u=this.layout[l],d=u.originalBBox,g=u.currentBBox;u.textBBox&&(g=u .textBBox,delete u.textBBox);var y=d[2]-d[0],v=d[3]-d[1],f=g[2]-g[0],x=g[3]-g[1],m=u.minSize[0],T=u.minSize[1];n&&0===p.width?m=f.width&&(m=f),r&&(T=Math.max(T,x)),m=Math.max(m,y) ,T=Math.max(T,v);var B=m-f,S=T-x;Math.abs(B)<=E&&(B=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY),Mat h.abs(S)<=E&&