Dear Xara...

Clearly Table 09 is your perception of a minimalist table template.

Even this is problematic.

A single Theme colour "Page Background" that colours the Table Caption and the Inner Padding interstices.
The Table Caption needs to be a merged cells grouping, which Smart Tables cannot achieve.
Grouping vertically would provide a left or right Table Caption.

Thick Lines obscure cell content.

Setting up widths and height is very hit and miss as the size presentation vanishes on selecting the control.

Text entry is tedious.
Copying a row or column can be tricked but you have to work it out.
There is no cell tabbing; it all has to be done with mouse clicks.

You cannot import table data.
Pasting a table into MS Word, etc delivers an image.
The HTML is a mess of cell-by-cell collections of images and spans requiring in-line CSS vendor prefixes.

There is no column head sorting.
Filtering might have swung it.

All Table 09 had to be was a one cell template.
That way I could configure the font, its size and cell alignment, the cell size and colour and then clone up the rows and columns.
That way I could have stripy horizontal, vertical or tartan cell colouring without having to knock back everything down to one cell.

Your other Smart Table templates are mainly derivatives of the basic concept so making it work properly for Table 09 would be a big step.
Copying rows or columns with embedded shapes and images would be next.
Finally, getting hyperlinking set up cleanly is my third area.
Proper zebra striping, my fourth.


P.S. In using Table 09, I managed to get an Internal program error