David, that is a good choice.

I bit the bullet, took the $99 I had originally spent on Xara via Steam (which I refunded), and contributed it to a purchase of a boxed copy of CorelDraw 2018. It was purchased from Canada, so in American money, it's a heck of a lot cheaper. I know it's a good program, similar to Xara, but it has a built in clip-art library in the boxed version and is being supported by the company.

I also like Affinity a lot, own it for mac and pc, and I think you've made a great choice. It's not as mature as Xara or CorelDraw, but it is really well supported by the company and I look forward to future Affinity products.

I do love Xara's ease of use and am continuing to use v. 12, but I can't build my business around a toolset that I can't rely on and I can't support a company that only leases bug patches. Corel and Affinity patches are permanently available. Hard drives come and go, software needs to be reinstalled on occasion and good customers shouldn't be punished for that.