Just thought I'd start a thread to say "hi".

Some old-timers might remember me as I was an active participant/moderator in the years before 2010. I used to live here in Xara-Xara-Land. Then things got crazy with work and fun stuff like talking graphics took the back burner. Years flew by. I'm currently in the process of retiring from my career as an architect. I'm hopeful that I will get back into exercising my creative noodle with graphics. One thing I've been thinking is I'd like to get into painting and potentially use Xara to plan out paintings. (When retired a person can make time to plan -- something that was never done in my past artistic pursuits that were always more playing than serious pursuits).

I'm going to have to look around the site here and see what old friends have been up to, and check out all the work of potential new friends!

It's good to be back!