It turns out that you can change the breakpoint. I found this guide on Magix's support site, but it's only accessible once logged in, so I'm reproducing it here in case it helps other users:

  • Close Xara (Important! The steps below will not work if Xara is open)
  • Open the registry by pressing the Windows key + R or Start > Run and typing "regedit". Press Enter.
  • Navigate to the following key in the right-hand tree: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xara\HTMLFilter\7.0\Mul tiWidthBreakpoint
  • Right-click the key in the folder > Modify and change the value there 100 to change the percentage at which it decides which variant to show. Then click OK.
  • Exit the registry by selecting File -> Exit.

This achieves exactly what I needed: each variant only shows is the browser is wide enough to show it, otherwise a smaller variant appears. Why this isn't the default behaviour is beyond me, but at least this fixes it for me!