Thanks, mwenz, for the tip re the Vivaldi browser, and thanks, gwpriester, for the info on duckduckgo, in another thread (

I spent way too much time customizing Vivaldi yesterday () when trying it out, OTW, I like it a lot. Not so fond of the UI color changing according to the website in the tab, Particularly dislike the red that shows up for TalkGraphics. Thankfully, other color changes are less uncomfortable. Getting the Bookmarks to display images instead of text has also been a bit bumpy. It's more or less doable, but clunky and slow. (I have a lot of bookmarks to particular pages on some sites where the url string just doesn't cut it.)

That said, Vivaldi is distinctly faster than Opera (my long-time fave), and it has operated smoothly with a couple of utility vendor sites that bark at Opera. I wasn't happy when Opera shifted to the Chrome engine. Glad to have an alternative. I'll probably have to maintain both because the Opera interface is generally easier on my eyes.