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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Default Wordpress blog in XWD

    I am adding a blog to my site and have gone with Wordpress. Is there anyway of adding the Wordpress blog pageinto my XWD site using my header and footer so the site uses the same menus. At the moment the Wordpress blog page looks nothing like the rest of my site and the menu I’ve added to the blog page looks completely different and in a different place.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Riverside, CA

    Default Re: Wordpress blog in XWD

    If I may. I tried this for 3 years. Used WP and Xara. Tried a mashup. Doesn't work well. My suggestion is that you start from the other side of the question. What blogging experience do you want for your reader? If you are looking for a WP template that is as customizable as a Xara template, you will not find one. If you're looking for an interactive experience for your reader (their comments, God forbid) then a pure WP setup is your easiest solution. My choice to abandon WP was based on the incessant updates that WP requires and the addition of a Variant Display in Xara's toolbox.

    If you are willing to curate reader input, then Xara works quite well. If you want an automated comment system then WP. Let us know how it goes. -Dan

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: Wordpress blog in XWD

    Here is a Video that Egg had pointed out to me a couple years ago when I was asking a similar type of question. It shows how to use WP with a Serif Webplus site.

    I never did add a blog to our company pages but I would of went the above route. It was the easiest way to implement a blog that I could find and have a similar look on both the web pages and blog.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Default Re: Wordpress blog in XWD

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for your post, the reason I want to use WP for my blog is it’s so easy to moderate posts that customers leave. An email comes through and then I can either accept or decline the post, but do agree WP and XWD don’t work great together. WP is so slow to load compared to XWD.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Default Re: Wordpress blog in XWD

    Quote Originally Posted by RKissane View Post
    Here is a Video that Egg had pointed out to me a couple years ago when I was asking a similar type of question. It shows how to use WP with a Serif Webplus site.

    I never did add a blog to our company pages but I would of went the above route. It was the easiest way to implement a blog that I could find and have a similar look on both the web pages and blog.

    Hi Ray,
    Thanks for your comments.
    I watched the video and can see the idea and can probably use some of the ideas but menu’s in WP are nowhere near as customisable as XWD and can’t get the menu to look anything like each other.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Riverside, CA

    Default Re: Wordpress blog in XWD

    In my experience, curation with WP or Xara is much like a traffic circle (roundabout for my UK friends.) They work well until the traffic picks up, at which point they become unwieldy. It all boils down to how much interactivity you want with your site visitors. Commenting by viewers can become iterative and a topic can quickly balloon. Thankfully, no system is so permanent that it cannot be changed to adjust. Keep us posted. Dan

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Default Re: Wordpress blog in XWD

    I added a WP blog to my site by adding an additional menu button pointing to my blog page. Everything seems to be working fine BUT...

    I’ve been using a program called SEO Powersuite and fixed many problems with my site over the last couple of weeks, but now I’ve added the WP blog page it’s caused thousands of problems showing in SEO Powersuite.

    Im now deleting my blog completely and giving up.

    Thanks for all your help.




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