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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    South Africa

    Default WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    I've tried to find the thread I remember reading a while back, but TG's search function is REALLY bad.....
    My WDP12.6.2 expires in 7 days time - I DON'T want v15.
    I've backed up the designs gallery cache to my desktop and a flash drive - what else do I have to do keep v12?
    Is there any "list" of the improvements/updates that v12 had in the past year? From what I remember, I lose them?
    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    I'm using XDP, so I'm not really sure what the situation is with WDP.

    To find more information, insert the following string in the search window of your browser and hit 'Return': 12.6.2 site:https://www.talkgraphics.com. (Do not click the link.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    you should be able to keep everything program-wise [features bug fixes] up to the last release before your licence expired - but you do need to save out the gallery and OC assest before it expires

    for example: my xdpx12 licence has expired - The version downloadable from xara is ver 12.4 - I am entitled to update to ver 12.6 which was released before my licence expired, but not ver 12.8 which was released afterwards - if you reinstall 12.4 should then be offered updates as far as your licenced version point - have to say, the process appears to have a glitch or two currently from what has been reported on the forum

    you will no longer have access to the asset online until such time as you renew the licence
    you can reinstall the saved out asset, but I understand there is no 'search' facility as there is no direct access to the OC online

    I don't think there is a list of bug fixes and such, only 'features' added to or amended in the release notes
    Last edited by handrawn; 27 January 2018 at 02:24 PM. Reason: clarity

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Info Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    Quote Originally Posted by letsgofishing View Post
    I've tried to find the thread I remember reading a while back, but TG's search function is REALLY bad.....
    My WDP12.6.2 expires in 7 days time - I DON'T want v15.
    I've backed up the designs gallery cache to my desktop and a flash drive - what else do I have to do keep v12?
    Is there any "list" of the improvements/updates that v12 had in the past year? From what I remember, I lose them?
    Thanks in advance,
    letsgofishing, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    You can renew and still use XWD v 12.6.1. Quite soon (?) there will be a V15.1 to correct all the V15 bugs
    I specifically asked of Xara that since V15 is an "upgrade" to V12, a renewal would not force V15 to be used and that V12 on-line features would not be locked out.
    I think Xara needs to made this information explicit, here, on their website and in the next upgrade as currently there is too little coming from it.

    The V11/V12/V15 "improvement" are here: http://www.xara.com/uk/web-designer/whats-new/ with detail in http://releasenotes.xara.hosting/wd365/ and http://releasenotes.xara.hosting/web-designer/.
    There is further detail in your downloads at %appdata%\..\Local\Xara\WebDesignerPremium\15\Cach e\designs\eng\firstlook\intro in a number of XAR files there.

    Caching away your designs to a different directory is a sound move.
    As you do not have any means os using the Xara application itself to search for these designs, make a note of http://downloadsv12.xara.com/web/catalog/index.html, which is the Web address for the V12 On-line Content Catalogue (OCC). Use http://downloadsv15.xara.com/web/catalog/index.html to see what's missing in V12 and ask for it back (e.g., Xara Slideshow Widget).
    Knowing where in the OCC tree structure the item is is a big help. The OCC itself has a lousy UI interface as too high in the tree gives little detail as to which folder the item is under.
    I also use TextPad or Notepad++ and their Find in Files function to list every item that is in the cache. Knowing the name of an item, I can locate it exactly.
    I use filtering with MS Excel but GoogleDocs would probably do the same. i have added path hyperlinks to the specific xar/wxr document and have toyed with linking and displaying the thumbnails.

    It is a great shame that Xara has disabled the Find function in its applications for components but keeps it there for Fills.
    Also the Descriptions in the OCC and the downloads are slightly different (e.g., Simple Button (Rounded) in First Look).
    The underlying data is only 17,000 entries for XDPX and around 2MB so an in-built search is not impossible.

    Have you got your purchase email secured?
    Do you know your licence serial number (Ctrl+Alt+shift+1)?

    I would also download the V12.6.2 and save it locally for both 32-bit and 64-bit.
    I would invoke and install your second licence use onto another device and download all the cache into that instance.

    Have you downloaded the Content Installer a.k.a. Content Pack (Help > Download content installer)?
    The content installer adds additional content that is not included in the free trial. That includes additional fill styles for the Fill Gallery and more spell checking dictionaries for other languages. It does not include any content for the Content Catalog / Designs Gallery - this is downloaded instantly on demand, but it does install into Windows fonts that are used by that content.
    Keep the installation files so you can save these locally as well (look for Installationmanager" in your downloads folder).

    Save all your personal design work (XAR / WEB) to the Cloud. I use Dropbox but also have Amazon, Google, BT and Bullguard and other offerings.

    i have never encountered such draconian aspects for any other perpetual licenced application I have purchased; read the EULA: https://support.xara.com/index.php?/...eb-designer-12.
    The license for updates and features delivered within the scope of the Update Service is limited to the installation(s) in place at the first anniversary of the initial registration of the Software, or at the date of last renewal if that is more recent. It will therefore terminate if you re-install the software after the Update Service has lapsed, and you will fall back to the version of the software at the date of your initial purchase and registration, or the date of last renewal if that is more recent. These limitations do not apply if you extend the Update Service beyond the initial 12-month period.
    Any online services included in the Software (Xara Online Designer and the Online Content Catalog) will end as soon as the Update Service expires, unless the Update Service is extended beyond the initial 12-month period.
    I no longer see any mention of perpetual entitlement to use the software; the closest is
    The license is effective until you terminate it by destroying the Software and its documentation together with all copies. It will also terminate if you fail to abide by this Agreement.
    All being moot as
    You will be issued with a unique serial number. An internet connection is required to activate the serial number and to complete the necessary one-time registration. The Software can only be activated on two computers concurrently, but activations that are no longer required can be cancelled so that you can install and activate the software on a new computer.
    as Xara could withdraw re-activation as it chooses.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    very informative Acorn, thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    South Africa

    Default Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    Wow Acorn - really appreciate the detailed response - many thanks for the time you took in writing this! - I will go through this in detail.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    South Africa

    Default Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    I have downloaded the content installer and kept a copy on a flash drive along with my current content catalogue.
    Also downloaded 12.4.1 - can't find the 12.6.1 on Xara's site.

    I just checked my last update - it was 25 April 2017 - when I go to check for updates, it shows that none are available.
    However, when I followed your release notes link and then clicked on the November 2017 update link, (http://releasenotes.xara.hosting/web-designer/) I saw that there is an update available, but that I have to download a new version:

    "November 2017: We’ve released a new version of Xara Web Designer Premium, available now. Owners of Web Designer with an active Update Service can update for free, but note you will need to download a new version, there is no auto-update."
    I followed the link and got to Xara's site and clicked on the Web Designer Premium Nov 22 2017 link.
    webdesigner15premium_dlm.exe got downloaded to My Downloads folder.

    This is obviously the new v15 version - I purchased WDP on 3 February 2017 so how come I don't "qualify" for this Upgrade? (or do I?)

    I am now totally confused - do I install the v15 file or not?
    Apologies for troubling you, but your help is MUCH APPRECIATED!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    Yes, you can install v15 and register it by using the serial number that you received with v12. You can use v12 en v15 side-by-side.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    South Africa

    Default Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    Thank you Boy - Just downloaded and installed v15 - all working fine.
    I still get the warning that my Update Service Period expires in 4 days time.
    If I download the content that I want from the OCC, I assume I will be able to keep it after the 4 days are up? (will copy it to a flash drive).
    Sorry for being a dunce when it comes to this sort of thing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: WDP 365 update again (sorry)

    The whole scheme is quite confusing, so not being sure of how it all works is nothing to worry about. ;-)

    To answer your question: Yes, you will be able to access all downloaded contents. To make sure that you get it all before your Update Service expires: go to Help and select 'Download content installer;' next, open the local Designs Gallery and right-click each of the main folders in it and select 'Download All.' For some of the folders download time might be quite long, especially when your internet connection is not very fast. But you probably knew all of this already.




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