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  1. #1

    Default Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making changes

    I have had a very strange problem with a particular pdf file which previously printed out normally when sent to digital copier, but when I make text changes to the same file in Xara X and then convert it back to pdf through Xara, the text prints out certain letters while others come out with black rectangles covering the text. However, this problem seems to be copier/digital printer specific. in that it will print out ok to most copiers but not to CANON IRA C9065 PRO and certain higher end Canon digital copiers. In the case I am referring to, I imported a pdf file into Xara made changes to the existing text which used the "oswald" font and the saved it as a pdf which had these printout issues. I tried again changing the font to "archivo" but had similar results. All the graphix files (lpg) printed out ok though. I then converted the type to editable shapes but had the same results with the blacked out text. I had also added some text in some vacant white space in Times Roman which printed out fine.

    I am not saying that this is a bug in Xara as it is possible the file contained corrupted fonts, or there were problems in the conversion back to pdf. I have never had that problem before and would love to know what possibly could have caused it.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    This is how it printed out from the converted pdf. Section of document saved as jpg and cropped to remove customer info. Black rectangles cover the text which printed out as text on some copiers but the sample shows the result when printed on high end copier.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	scan.jpg 
Views:	605 
Size:	39.9 KB 
ID:	119912

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    I would submit a support ticket to htpps://suppost.xara.com

    Also what product and version number are you using?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    Product: Xara Designer Pro X .
    I am leaning more towards it being a problem as to the way Xara exports to pdf, as since then I tried importing the original pdf into InDesign, and made
    some changes to the text and saved back to pdf and the file printed normally, i.e., as it looked on the monitor. If I am right it does'nt explain why the file from Xara printed out ok on some printers but not on others. Surely if the pdf was bad, it would show bad on the monitor and ALL printers?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Australia: GMT+10

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    Try printing the exported pdf from e.g, Acrobat ($$$) or Foxit Reader (free).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    it's possible it's a setting in the xara pdf export -I assume you are using pdf/x export?

    you could try a simple web pdf export and see if that prints - it won't solve the problem as such, but if it does then that is a pointer
    unfortunately I'm not an expert in the settings, but maybe a member who is such as mikew, may have better ideas

    some settings may be ignored by some printer drivers, but not by others... just a possibility

  7. #7

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    I had been printing from Acrobat XI, but had used Xara for converting to Acrobat pdf.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    Yes, I am using the pdf/x export. A web pdf prints ok.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    I believe that this is a bug in the latest release of Xara. I tried importing the original pdf into Illustrator, made the same font changes and the exported that file back to pdf FROM ILLUSTRATOR. File printed fine. The problem has to be caused by the way Xara exports to pdf.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Problem with importing pdf into Xara X and saving it back to pdf after making cha

    can you post up a pdf that has this problem - we can then check it out



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