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  1. #1

    Default Latest 365 version not exporting properly to pdf

    I have recently "upgraded" to the latest 365 version, 12.8.1 from DP11. When I export to pdf the result is that many of the text letters are missing, eg, the word "missing" would appear as m ss n or similar. I am attaching actual cropped sample of a document which converted perfectly from the older version. I have tried this on two different computers with the same result, so there is no question that it is a bug in the 365 version. Unless it can be fixed, this version is rendered useless.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Latest 365 version not exporting properly to pdf

    No attachment Phill.

    Can you give us more specifics. What flavor of PDF are you exporting to? What fonts are not working correctly? Does the same file export OK if you export from DP11?

    Also can you please update your Profile to reflect DP-X 365? This helps make sure we are all on the same page.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Latest 365 version not exporting properly to pdf

    There are known problems with pdf generation with XDP 365.

    We patiently await the next update...any day now...

    If it wasn't that I am currently working in QXP and that QXP likes XDP EPS files, I would be using something else to do the illustrations for this publication.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Latest 365 version not exporting properly to pdf

    I was having the problem with a pdf when viewed in Edge It looked perfect in both Firefox and Chrome and in a pdf viewer. The first time it happened I changed the font of the missing letters and that worked. This time, we decided to live with it and tell people to not use Edge to view it.
    Xara Software XDP11

  5. #5

    Unhappy Re: Latest 365 version not exporting properly to pdf

    There is absolutely no question that DP X365 has a bug which was not present in earlier versions and that the present version is in fact a downgrade! A while back I had imported a pdf file into version 11, made some changes to it and exported it back to pdf without a problem as it printed out exactly as the Xara file did. Today I imported the exact same original file into the new 365 version, made changes, and then exported it to pdf. The result was lots of letters missing with blank spaces where they once were and, of course it printed out the same way as it looked on screen.
    I then opened up the X11 version and imported the 365 file which included the changes I had made in 365. I them exported it from that X11 version to pdf and it viewed and printed perfectly. On all occasions I have opened those pdf files in Adobe Acrobat Standard. I have also opened them in the free Acrobat Reader, which gives the same result. I normally use the PDF/X commercial print export button and have also tried exporting to older Acrobat versions but with the same result. Bottom line is that if PDF export works in DP 11, and also in even earlier versions it is not unreasonable to expect the same result in DPX365. created in DP X 365.pdfcreated from DP11.pdfhttps://www.talkgraphics.com/images/icons/icon9.png




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