Quote Originally Posted by Gare View Post
I've long avoided the term "realistic", because although it's a trivial difference, the point was made with me by a painting done by Reneé Magritte. The title? "Ce n'est pas un pipe." "This is not a pipe", although clearly the painting is that of a pipe.

What he was saying in a Puckish manner is that the work is not a pipe. It's a painting of a pipe.
Gare - I really like that story. It reminded me that the work of Canadian painter >> Alex Colville << has been described as "Magic Realism". The idea is his paintings embody a rare emotional quotient that energizes them beyond just technically rendering scenes with high realism. His paintings aren't photographic in character, instead they have a kind of realism that reminds me of something we'd feel in a dream state - where we wake up without resolution of the plot of the dream

I bring that up because I find a theme in your work that transcends the technical realism you achieve. That theme of course is your unique humoristic bent that seems to enfuse almost all you create. It brings a joyness most photoreal illustration does not achieve. From your audience I want to stand up and join the ovation and thank you.