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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Hertfordshire, UK

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Sorry for the delay, a little rushed. Always hectic here lol

    mwenz - So far it has been more design focused than Web focused, with more of a direction towards say small / medium businesses, but this is very much not fixed at all. Understandably it won't be suitable for everyone and I know with the work you do, you might not need or use the majority of the features there. However even if there is a small nugget which you can say that it really helps you we'll take it and work on it. And it could be anything, even if say for example you just want a platform where clients can view (but not edit) your work and perhaps markup what they like / dislike, approve / disapprove etc... whatever would make your life easier.

    This probably applies to you too Ernie, unfortunately I can't stop development on the Online Designer and get all the developers to focus on the desktop products :) but I can take feedback up to those where decisions are made and perhaps steer it in a direction where you could use it. Matt who I mentioned before is somewhat open to idea's and suggestions and will read everything you have to suggest.

    Hoja - There is already keyboard shortcuts implemented and new features generally get assigned one :) http://content.ixara.com/shortcuts/

    Koko - Many thanks for your feedback :) in answer to your questions
    1) I believe there is plans to allow you to save (and upload) from your local drive, but I can try to push that requirement harder
    2) Currently it will only publish to the FTP information saved within the document however I think again there is plans to allow it to publish wherever you want.
    3) Yes, there currently is a set of presentations already within the templates.
    4) This is still being decided but what would you say is a reasonable deal? Perhaps a free version that allows basic editing and then (pulling a figure out of the air) 9.99 a month for the full thing? Or free up until a certain number of designs is made and then a charge after?

    Please let me know what you love and we'll polish it up, and what you hate and we'll change it :)


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    The Online Designer however hasn't been created with website building in view (and has very limited web capabilities). If anything it's more targeted towards business use - i.e. letterheads, presentation, company social media but this isn't fixed.
    Xara's sales (http://www.xara.com/uk/expiring/web-designer-premium/):
    Another year of guaranteed access to Xara Online Designer, with its liberating ability to edit and re-publish your websites remotely from any device including Macs, iPads, Chromebooks and Android tablets, and collaborate on sites with colleagues and clients

    For some my clients, it is of no value within an Intranet so my use is cursory.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    I have been checking out the online designer and I can see it being useful to provide sections or areas of a website that are client editable by creating a second small webpage and implementing it into the main site via the iframe widget. One example of this could be a restaurant site with a menu board. the menu board would be the separate site and that is what you give your client access to. The main site would still be under your control and protected.

    Another use I can see for it is as a mobile tool that you can access on a tablet and take to client meetings. documents could be updated in real time as ideas are discussed.

    It is also a good preview tool to allow a client to preview a document or a site.

    As far as possible things I'd like to see in the future One would be more vector drawing tools something like this https://vectr.com/ Another would be photo filters They can easily be created in the desktop versions of DP and P&GD it would be nice to be able to drop them onto a photo in Online designer.

    The font styles that are in OD are a nice touch but you could take that further and let users create their own style libraries that could be added to a document by drag and drop. For example say I'm designing a document for a client and I want to give them a choice between two sets of fonts that work well together and suit their business I'd like to be able to include them somehow in the document so when loaded in OD the client could tryout each combination and decide which one they like best.
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lam, Bavaria-Germany

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    Sorry for the delay, a little rushed. Always hectic here lol
    This probably applies to you too Ernie, unfortunately I can't stop development on the Online Designer and get all the developers to focus on the desktop products but I can take feedback up to those where decisions are made and perhaps steer it in a direction where you could use it. Matt who I mentioned before is somewhat open to idea's and suggestions and will read everything you have to suggest.
    You Welcomme!
    But I'dont trust Magix! I like a open converation in all. But German Company Magix is in the knees. So Magix say what is about XDP? Can we User count on it or may we leave?
    PLS give us an answer what is about XDP-Desktop. Can we count on an offer to beat Affinity or maybe AI? Is this possible? Or our goals to the WEB-Thing.

    It's a shame to got a such a thing like xara to end in compromise with a German Company who advertise in the 1990ies Amiga-Computers. And now???
    PLS Xara if You can, go away from Magix. Find Your roots. Do things for the poeole who byu and use Your SOFTWARE.

    Ernie from Germany!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Surrey, UK

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Actually. I really like the idea of Online designer for web design. I have done some wordpress sites for clients and it is too complex for some of them. A xara solution where I can design without limits and allow them access to certain areas to update text or galleries is a good thing.
    XDP is my swiss army vector tool but without proper cmyk handling it is rubbish for anything to do with print. Web or ebooks would be another matter entirely. With that in mind I personally think that using Online Designer for print work would be pretty limited.
    So. Yes. I want to use Online Designer for web work :-)

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Hertfordshire, UK

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Acorn - Unfortunately that's Marketing for you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think the website will be updated soon however.

    Angelize - Photo filters are coming to the Online Designer soon :) and (still early in development) you should be able to hover over the filters and colours to preview what it will look like. Better font controls is something that has been asked for multiple times and will be added soon hopefully. But I like your idea of producing multiple sets of text styles to to show your customers and pick from one.

    I do like a lot of the tools from vectr, being very simple to use and think it's something our designers have seen before as well. If there's a lot of demand for more vector tools we'll certainly look into adding more!

    Ernie - Magix don't have any control over the Online Designer :) this is entirely our baby and not being designed to any Magix specification but rather what to what the users want. It won't ask you to install simpliclean either :P


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Rostov region

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    I do like a lot of the tools from vectr, being very simple to use and think it's something our designers have seen before as well. If there's a lot of demand for more vector tools we'll certainly look into adding more!
    Look closely at add and refine vector tools in XDP. PLEASE!
    But if Magix completely controls what and when will be added to the XDP, then no comment. All their products are designed for home use and undemanding users (.
    In my heart I will always hope that Xara ever will again become independent.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lam, Bavaria-Germany

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    Ernie - Magix don't have any control over the Online Designer this is entirely our baby and not being designed to any Magix specification but rather what to what the users want. It won't ask you to install simpliclean either :P

    Hi Rob,
    again I dont want an online Designer! If this is the baby of Xara ok, but I and many others who pay will see the future of XDP-Desktop.
    If not I'll not motivate to pay fo online sh...

    That will be the END with XARA and ME. I'll never pay for online. I'll pay for a DTP-Version of Xara. If this is in future not possible, so I'll leave XARA. The Future is outhere – but not with XARA.

    Maybe You can correct me – if not ???

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Savannah, Georgia Area

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    How many people asked for an Online Designer over New or Improved Tools in Designer Pro?!

    I didn't... And as far as I can tell nobody else did.

    Still no regrets for not renewing. Even with the 40% off right now not compelled to get on board again.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    Acorn - Unfortunately that's Marketing for you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think the website will be updated soon however.

    Angelize - Photo filters are coming to the Online Designer soon and (still early in development) you should be able to hover over the filters and colours to preview what it will look like. Better font controls is something that has been asked for multiple times and will be added soon hopefully. But I like your idea of producing multiple sets of text styles to to show your customers and pick from one.

    I do like a lot of the tools from vectr, being very simple to use and think it's something our designers have seen before as well. If there's a lot of demand for more vector tools we'll certainly look into adding more!

    Ernie - Magix don't have any control over the Online Designer this is entirely our baby and not being designed to any Magix specification but rather what to what the users want. It won't ask you to install simpliclean either :P


    Please do consider adding more vector drawing tools, and things like pixel based painting like this http://site.youidraw.com/ But keep it in one app somewhat like affinity personas. If I'm not mistaken what you are doing is building not an online Designer pro but a whole new piece of software from the ground up so my thoughts are web stuff is popular so an obvious area to explore but there is a core base of vector artists, that I believe would come around if there were tools that interested them. The ability to fill shapes and text with bitmaps, 3D somewhat like extrusions but done in HTML5 and the ability to create and store assets of our own.

    Another area is desktop publishing e-books with a flipping page like these GMS Flip Books would be an interesting feature to add to the online designer. To do these books I created my layout in XDP and exported as a pdf (this part could aready be done in OD) then the pdf was uploaded to fliphtml5.com for conversion to a flipping book it would be nice to be able do this all in the OD and export as an HTML5 cross browser all device format

    I am going to be looking forward to what the future of the Online Designer will bring, it is after all still in it's infancy.
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.




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