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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
    Forums such as Dear Xara, 95% of the time go unanswered. It's a machine gun type of approach to requested new features that has no structure and virtually zero hope of response from the devs and as such is of zero value.
    I agree, so much good input that could take the software forward goes unnoticed.
    While the core software is very good it has some serious flaws that havent been addressed for a very long while.

    I fear that handing the support to magix will increase the gap between programmers and their users.


  2. #52
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    BTW I noticed that purchases and upgrades from xara site now directs to Magix.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    London, UK

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Big test for the next upgrade then: what does the first Magix-only version bring?

    Vector tools, or tacky tat?

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    La Malbaie, Canada

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
    Big test for the next upgrade then: what does the first Magix-only version bring?

    Vector tools, or tacky tat?

    Magix only? In the words of DT, "Fake news!" Please re-read everything. Nowhere does it say that Magix is doing any development work on Xara whatsoever. In fact, Xara says emphatically that they are doing the development as always. All it says is that Magix will now do the marketing and global distribution of Xara (which it was already doing anyways) and that support now goes through the Magix portal and then probably re-directed to Xara technicians or developers if they can't help out. As is usual with Magix support, if the support technician cannot help or finds that what has been submitted is indeed a bug, then the query is sent to the technicians/developers.

    The final reply to my last ticket with Magix about a video program was something like "We have reviewed everything in detail that you submitted and find the same problems. Your information has been sent, as is, to the developers."
    John CB
    Xara DPX(

  5. #55
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Australia: GMT+10

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
    Big test for the next upgrade then: what does the first Magix-only version bring?

    Vector tools, or tacky tat?
    More “cloud” would be my guess... clouds evaporate though☹️
    Last edited by jaydear; 10 November 2017 at 09:43 PM. Reason: Added quote

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    London, UK

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Keep your hair on, Trump fan. Unless you will be able to buy the upgrade from Xara, it is going to be available only from Magix.

    Xara say they are doing the development but what I read suggests that while Xara decide what direction the Online Designer goes in, while Magix call the development shots for the desktop software. If you want to dispute that, I'm happy to be corrected with specific detail, but I'm not going to go and "re-read everything".

    Very little of vector substance has been added in the last 10 years, so I stand by my question. I'd hope for more vector tools, but fear that more tacky tat will be the order of the day.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
    ...while Magix call the development shots for the desktop software....
    where exactly did you read that?

    now I have reservations for the future but, according to this thread: https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...ht=#post583047, the relationship betwen Magix and Xara at the development level remains unchanged from whatever it has been for the last ten years [ which is actually 'Old News' ] EDIT- if you are in a hurry just read posts #9 and #15 ?

    Very little of vector substance has been added in the last 10 years...
    maybe, but lots of very useful features were added up until about three years ago - VHQ; soft grouping; art brushes; to name but three - I appreciate these may not fall into your catagorisation of 'vector substance', but it is a long while since xara was vector pure and simple..

    EDIT 2: maybe you were thinking of this part of the press release:

    The Xara sales and marketing team will focus on introducing the new cloud based creative service to the world

    which is not concerned with program development...
    Last edited by handrawn; 11 November 2017 at 11:30 AM.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Hertfordshire, UK

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    Many thanks to all of you for your input! It has been most helpful especially in areas of the Online Designer in what sort of things you want to see in it, but unfortunately has gone a little off course from the Online Designer.

    I appreciate many of you may have not noticed this thread be moved to our new Online Designer section; if you have problems or want to talk about the desktop then the other forums such as Dear Xara for bugs / suggestions or Off-topic to talk about other things :)

    If you have any suggestions about the Online Designer, come across any bugs or just have general feedback please feel free to start a new thread and let us know! (keeping to the subject of the Online Designer here :)

    Kind Regards

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Liverpool, NY

    Default Re: Xara online designer, omg

    I'm closing this thread because it's gone quite O/T and fairly rude, and Xar-Rob has provided an answer that I believe fits the bill for most of the posts here.

    I request that political references be scrubbed from posts; part of the tg rules and regulations require non-political discussions, and references to the (ahem) current President and his name-calling of the press is not appropriate for discussions on tg.

    There are other ways to express extreme displeasure than by giving POTUS additional exposure on tg, and if search bots pick up this stuff, it is not the tone of tg, but potential members might see is and assume we're a political bashing site.

    We're Talk Graphics, not Twitter.

    Barbara B.
    Barbara Bouton
    TalkGraphics Forum Administrator

    The Xara Xone website developer. | TheBoutons.com




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