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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Odd lettering and font

    Since upgrading to Premium 365 I have had very odd symbols appear instead of, and around, some of my lettering. At first I thought I’d done something wrong whilst editing, but then I went and started a ‘test’ site using a fresh Xara template and spare hosting site.

    The problem is as follows:
    Starting completely from scratch I opened a template, Prestige Estates, and did nothing but add some text on the index page, as follows:
    This is the original site that I used so let’s see if there is any problems with fonts if I go straight in with typing; i.e. what about the £ sign for instance? Or if I put half-an-inch as 1/2 inch?

    I then saved and exported the site to a folder on my desktop, and published it to the spare hosting site I have; www.ashtonsfineart.co.uk. Low and behold, when I opened it in Explorer, and Firefox and Chrome, it looked like this:
    This is the ‘original’ site that I used, so let’s see if there is any problems with fonts if I go straight in with typing; i.e. what about the £ sign for instance? Or if I put half-an-inch as ½ inch…

    So it wasn’t my just my original website that had gone odd, but a fresh, unadulterated one that came straight from the Xara templates. Something strange is happening. Desperate to know what can have happened here as my website is my worldwide ‘shop front’ and these anomalies make it look shabby. Any assistance gratefully received!

    As an afterthought... when I review the 'test' page above whilst in Xara Webdesign it appears as normal.
    Last edited by leighextence; 24 August 2017 at 05:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font

    An update... I uninstalled the latest Premium 365 and loaded the 'test' site using the old 10 Premium, and the problems disappeared!

    I'm still non the wiser as to why this happened and why it appears so odd in the latest version. Maybe the website template is best used in 10 Premium and doesn't like 365?

    Any ideas most welcomed.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font

    I think it is a font mapping problem. There are different schemes for mapping font characters. This explains part of the problem but why you would have this is a mystery to me. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...71ba281?auth=1

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font

    Looking into this, it seems there are a lot of similarities with these problems.

    But it is obviously something to do with loading all my work that was done on Premium 10 and then editing using 365 that wasn't liked. To use 365 properly it looks like I may have to start again with the editing and make a complete fresh website!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font

    This should not be necessary. Let me see if I can get someone from Xara to have a look at this thread.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font

    Hi Leigh, what version of 365 are you using? (Help / About Xara). When I looked at your site in FF & Chrome the symbols reproduced correctly but there was an issue with earlier versions when using Calabri font.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font

    Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
    Hi Leigh, what version of 365 are you using? (Help / About Xara). When I looked at your site in FF & Chrome the symbols reproduced correctly but there was an issue with earlier versions when using Calabri font.
    Thanks; the reason it's showing okay now is that I have got rid of 365 Premium off my laptop and rebuilt the pages using the old Premium 10 and then uploaded them. Therefore it'll not show the problems now..
    I would like to reload the latest version, having paid for it, but cannot afford for my clients to see the website as it was. It would be good to see where I can make it work. The problems with the script are as stated above.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font


    If you have both Premium 10 and 365 on your laptop at the same time do they both do the messed up lettering? I understand once you took off 365 everything was good but did you try 10 while 365 was on the laptop?

    If you are using a specific font with your website, did you try that font in a word document and see if it messed up the lettering? How about exporting the document and web site to PDF, did you get the messed up lettering?

    I am leaning with Gary's idea that somehow the laptop was having a problem with its font handling while 365 was installed. One more question with 365 on the laptop did you reboot the computer and retest?

    If all else fails, I would try a new install and test again.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font

    Quote Originally Posted by RKissane View Post

    If you have both Premium 10 and 365 on your laptop at the same time do they both do the messed up lettering? I understand once you took off 365 everything was good but did you try 10 while 365 was on the laptop?

    If you are using a specific font with your website, did you try that font in a word document and see if it messed up the lettering? How about exporting the document and web site to PDF, did you get the messed up lettering?

    I am leaning with Gary's idea that somehow the laptop was having a problem with its font handling while 365 was installed. One more question with 365 on the laptop did you reboot the computer and retest?

    If all else fails, I would try a new install and test again.

    Thanks Ray,
    A bit tied up this weekend, but I'm going to try all your suggestions at the beginning of next week. Will post back with an update.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Odd lettering and font

    Quote Originally Posted by leighextence View Post
    Thanks Ray,
    A bit tied up this weekend, but I'm going to try all your suggestions at the beginning of next week. Will post back with an update.
    Apologies, when you say a reboot. Do you mean switching on and off or something a little more complex?




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