Quote Originally Posted by bubbbab View Post
I've never found that type of aggressiveness productive. Have you actually contacted support though the Xara support ticket system? https://support.xara.com (top left "contact support") If you're looking for a reply, I've always found that very fast and helpful.
Steve, handrawn has expressed his frustration over a problem he has identified with the new Xara product provision. You mentioned he should "leave" so there is no high ground to be gained here.

I believe that the model Xara has chosen, or has been forced to adopt, has not been properly rehearsed across relatively simple and obvious user scenarios.
For example, I have yet to see how bug fixes in your year of purchase are delivered once you revert to your original purchase version. Once a version is uplifted, the previous one does not seem to have bug fixes applied. [Xara - do correct me here].

In the past, with big number updates, it was possible to retain and run prior version concurrently. This is the opposite of what handrawn is after but it demonstrates things we have lost.

Keep it factual,