Something that has been on my mind for quite a while is the way the 'Dear Xara' requests are made.

Maybe forum moderators (or Xara themselves) could devise a more organised and engaging way of collating and presenting ‘Dear Xara’ requests and wishes. Perhaps a form could be made to collect relevant information then a spreadsheet set up to easily see what has been requested, when, why, by whom, how frequently etc. This could then at least form a historical and factual record, and point of reference for Xara and users alike.

Here are some of the general things that would make me a happy Xara user (all probably requested before!) and should be added to the 'spreadsheet'!

  1. Make the programmes Windows scaling aware
  2. Enable dual screen usage
  3. Refresh user interface and add an official light grey interface option
  4. Update and polish up existing vector drawing tools
  5. Improve grids and add perspective tools
  6. Add a macro/actions feature (or at least a repeat last action like Affinity Designer's 'Power Duplicate')
  7. Full plugin integration and vector plugins (like Illustrator Zig Zig/Roughen distortion filters)
  8. Replace the bitmap tracer tool with one that is useful (like Inscape/Potrace)
  9. Overhaul the 3D tool to allow conversion to vectors

Thanks, Jono