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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default How to optimise website?


    I am trying to optimise my website and after analysing it using a couple of online sites I seem to get the same few suggestions each time. If you could explain how I would do the following things then I would be very grateful, I'm not a web expert so treat me like a simpleton! I'm currently using web designer premium

    - Leverage browser caching (I know you're supposed to place some code in a htaccess file but I have no idea where to find that...)

    - Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content - Your page has 2 blocking script resources and 8 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page

    - Minify CSS

    - Enable compression. (I have optimised all the images, I assume that compressing them is something additional that I need to do but don't know how)

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: How to optimise website?

    Welcome to TalkGraphics Louise

    I am unable to answer any of these questions. This is why we have members who know so much more than I do. Check back and see what others suggest.

  3. #3

    Default Re: How to optimise website?

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisew View Post

    I am trying to optimise my website and after analysing it using a couple of online sites I seem to get the same few suggestions each time. If you could explain how I would do the following things then I would be very grateful, I'm not a web expert so treat me like a simpleton! I'm currently using web designer premium

    - Leverage browser caching (I know you're supposed to place some code in a htaccess file but I have no idea where to find that...)

    - Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content - Your page has 2 blocking script resources and 8 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page

    - Minify CSS

    - Enable compression. (I have optimised all the images, I assume that compressing them is something additional that I need to do but don't know how)

    Thank you
    I wrote an article on this, see the following link


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default Re: How to optimise website?

    Thank you for such a quick reply! That's a great article, very helpful for a new user One thing I'm not clear on though, you say make a htaccess file but how do I actually create the file? Just create a notepad file and call it htaccess? Should I save it in a specific location?

    Thank you in advance!

  5. #5

    Default Re: How to optimise website?

    The filename is .htaccess and it goes in your root folder, the same one that your index.htm file is in.
    Yes, you can use notepad to edit it.
    It only works if you are on an apache server (which most websites are)
    Proceed with caution, if you make a mistake in that file, you can take down your whole website (if that happens, just rename the file to something else until you fix it)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default Re: How to optimise website?

    I've just uploaded the file now and all is working perfectly. Thank you very much for the help!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: How to optimise website?

    Terrific article - thanks...



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