Thank you for explanation.

How I got image and rendered to final?
Image is taken from MiST FPGA with SoC ZX Spectrum with ULA graphic chip, then converted by renderer made for Commodore 128 VDC chip - rendering at moment when find not exact color, runs dithering, it has no command line options. I got source from author, it's written in C. Sadly for now I know programming of PCs only Visual Basic, began C++... so any time will go to moment when I will re-programming source.
Sadly in PC world is assembler full of routines which can be written in other PL, I know assembler of 8-bit and 16-bit computers, but in this era is assembler something what no everybody knows its low level...
But thank you for clearing me it and I will search for free tool which it can do at least like Corel or ? better ?.
