just do as you feel you must do. I am the last to say to anyone: thou shalt not.
Creativity is unpredictable and chaotic, not to say anarchistic (accepting no "archos", or leader). We all try to "render" our visions into digital, or material images, and each one of us is limited to her or his point of view, to the boundaries of what you can "imagine" to be true. So try to live on a level that inspires you, that opens un(fore)seen possibilities.

To me, these inner planes full of archetypes -where I feel home- are important, because inspiring, but not "sacred". My saying "no" has no religious background. I project no thoughtform whatsoever to the level of Holy Cow: obey, or you will be punished. Like Byron, I deny nothing, but I doubt everything. (no hell below us, above us only sky...)

Your modern rendering has been done in the past too (Renaissance,...), but in an innocent way. Not: let's look for a subject. If you look for a subject, you are limited to your own mind, but if you work from the roots, from inspiration, the flow goes on and on, and you discover awe-inspiring facets of more generally human, and even wider themes.
Example: There has been an Art movement in the sixties that re-created paintings of the great masters, but with pin-ups, complete with kitchy bikini-pale-skin, instead of the original painted women. Technically these paintings may be impressive to some, but, except from the technique, what do you see but a pamphlet? What does the image convey? What does it "say", not "what does the author try to say" ? Does it inspire you? To do what? To me, these are a flat denial of what inspiration is because the only thing I sense beneath the surface is "let's see what I can do that hasn't been doen before.". But that is my impression, and doesn't have to be everyone's as far as I'm concerned.

So, as long as something generates a feeling of enthusiasm and wonder, whatever then the subject may be: go for it. But try to go deeper and further, leave superficiality behind, because that is only wasted time, wasted life and wasted energy.


The moment my site is ready, I'll post the adress.