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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    as in [limited to one monitor for the purpose of example]:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	floating doc editor.png 
Views:	269 
Size:	170.4 KB 
ID:	116577
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    I just pointed out that keyboard shortcuts could help avoid having lots of bars open, not saying you have to use them to be productive (I don't).

    The button bars layouts are stored separately for normal and full screen modes so you can have different custom bars for each, I think.

    Sorry, but it's very unlikely that document windows will be separated from the main "frame" window in the near future.

    BTW: Remember that you should be increasingly looking to cloud.ixara.com to answer your questions/wishes and that can, for instance, run documents in separate windows (even though there's still vast amounts of things it can't do yet).


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    sure Phil - and thanks for the reply re document windows

    as for clould.ixara.com [still in beta I believe?] - whilst I know this will be very useful to many, the idea of creating in the cloud does not appeal - I am quite prepared to be called old-fashioned [because in many ways I am]
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  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    Re. Creating in the cloud:

    Here's an open question to everyone: Imagine that cloud.ixara.com can do everything that Designer can do in the desktop, and maybe more, with a more modern UI. Would you still then prefer to use the desktop version to create and if so why? (Being old-fashioned is an acceptable answer.)

    [Sorry, this is a bit off-topic but it flows from the discussion above.]

    Last edited by PhilM; 22 March 2017 at 02:30 PM.

  5. #15

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilM View Post
    Re. Creating in the cloud:

    Here's an open question to everyone: Imagine that cloud.ixara.com can do everything that Designer can do in the desktop, and maybe more, with a more modern UI. Would you still then prefer to use the desktop version and if so why? (Being old-fashioned is an acceptable answer.)

    [Sorry, this is a bit off-topic but it flows from the discussion above.]

    I absolutely would not be using an on-line version of XDP.

    I absolutely hate even on-line content. But running something like XDP on-line? Hah.

    On-line XDP may be OK for some small web site work. But really, Phil, try creating a poster that locally weighs in at 25 megs. And make a lot of changes while talking live with a client, produce a small-weight PDF and email it while still on the phone.

    Or ... or ... (I could think of real-world--my world--examples all day.)

    There is nothing I create--for print, remember--that would benefit from an on-line version and only very real drawbacks. That aside from the fact that I am not always on-line. One computer I have isn't even connected and likely never will be.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    I am old fashioned and prefer to work on a desktop. That said I can see the benefit of making changes when you are not at your desk on an iPhone or tablet or giving a client the ability to change/update parts of a site. But I am not doing that much professional work these days. But I really like a large screen (24" I know that is not considered large these days).

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    Note: Working online does not mean working away from the desktop or using less powerful devices (although those things would be possible).

    It simply means that instead of the software running directly in Windows, it now runs inside a browser window and partly on a remote server - but still on the exact same hardware as the desktop version, with mouse, drawing tablet, multiple high-res screens, etc. etc... Whatever you've got now.


  8. #18

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    Yes, I fully understand that, Phil.

    And no, I still will not ever use an on-line version of XDP.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    Mike, Are you assuming that an online version of the program would be difficult to use for very large files (large in terms of storage/communication byte size)?

    The idea is that the local browser-based program and the server would cooperate to deliver a very responsive UI no matter how complex the file.

    If that design goal can be achieved then there's an obvious benefit to your scenario above: Your client can be looking at the full-fat file while you are editing it and talking to him about it. No need for small PDFs or email and very much quicker response to client feedback.


  10. #20

    Default Re: User Interface Change?

    All good premises, Phil (re viewing in real-time at both ends).

    Communication response times only matter if I am always connected. No Internet outages. No hiccups on Xara's part (how stable is the content catalog, the JavaScript, etc.,?). No sunspots...The reality is there are browser-based drawing tools right now. And I will not use them other than to play with, to see what the fuss is about for certain work.

    There's several places for charting via a browser. And, I'll pay the money for Visio or whatever. There is a site that has great drawing concepts--like connecting nodes anywhere along a path and as many path connecting anywhere along a shape. And it doesn't help my design work one iota. And while they may not be using a scalable server, I cannot imagine the server traffic is that high yet and the desktop version of AD (which is not as fast as XDP) blows its response time out of the water.

    I do not trust tools that depend on a connection. Whether it is problems on your end or mine, or the lack of being able to be connected, response times are simply not going to be on par with a desktop. As well, what happens when browser code goes gunny bag because of an update? Or an MS update?

    I know that right now, or two seconds, 10 minutes or 5 hours or days from now, I will be able to start XDP and run it just fine. Can you say the same to Xara's up-time? That no matter when I wish to draw, Xara's servers will be working? That my Internet connection remains viable? Of course you cannot. Xara's had many hiccups for the on-line content since v.12 was introduced. Heck, I don't even know how many people gave up. But you do or at least can look through the support logs.

    I am not and will not always be connected. I will be sitting at a cafe between meetings where Internet via slow Wi-Fi happens now.

    XDP is highly over-priced. Especially considering the alternatives that make up for XDProfessional's lack of up to date features and capabilities. And they are cross-platform which I suppose is one of the business problems Xara is trying to solve. But the proper way isn't some on-line XDP. It's to actually code anew again. This all reminds me of the saying, Everyone wants to go to heaven, no one wants to die. While Xara may think this is the only option--and it may be for the short term--it is not the way forward.

    It is perfectly fine for Xara to invest in this as a means to go forward. It is after all not my business. But I do not know of one business decision that could help Serif more than this one.




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