Hello there,

I've been learning from this forum since WD v7 so I'll start with a thank you for the help I've already had. I always meant to sign up before I had a problem that hadn't been covered, but... well you've heard it all before. Sorry, I'll try to contribute a bit from now on.

I've just converted my site to run responsively and everything seemed fine at first. I have an issue with Google periodically claiming my homepage is not mobile friendly (despite their tester saying it is) and I need to do a bit of image compression (it's very image heavy) to improve the load speed, but that's all in hand (I'll report back about the mobile friendly test - someone else on here was having a similar problem).

My main problem is that Google have just decided that the render blocking scripts are a must-fix problem on the mobile side and that goes against the way Xara generates code. I use a single accordian slider on the home page, but I have 6 gallery pages that between them use 45 small nivo sliders. These sliders are also smaller on the mobile variant, which means I have a total of 90 scripts running unnecessarily in the header of my landing page and Google say that's not okay.

I don't want to lose the sliders and they're only used on the gallery pages so I tried simply deleting them from the index page header html and everything seems to work fine, but I'm nervous there is something that might come to bite me down the line. Has anybody taken this approach and, clumsiness aside, are there any pitfalls?