Cheers Egg!

This is the most versatile I can get for you.

In Xara, create your text with a white text colour, add its link and place over your black background. You can mix and match these colours.

Add a Placeholder object with the following HTML Code (body):

a:link {
color: White;
text-decoration: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid;
border-bottom-color: LightYellow;
a:visited {
color: Bisque;
border-bottom-color: Khaki;
a:hover {
border-bottom-color: Red;
This way all prior links are as defined in Xara and only those on following the Placeholder box are affected.
You can change any of the named colours to or use a hex sextet: #123456.

The Placholder must appear lower than the text in the Page and layer gallery; I would hide it behind the black box and soft-group it.
