Quote Originally Posted by Musicdiver View Post
Thanks for the info. i had a few more question. maybe you can help me with them also.
if I want to order the 365 edition and I want to order the additional dvd for GBP 10 is that possible? do they send them to Spain, where I live?
- I saw that the upgrade offer last till end feb 2017. does that mean the new 2017 version is coming soon?
- I have some knowledge of wyswyg website building but no knowledge of html at all. is it for sure I can make a Xara responsive website without any html coding or do I still have to "ad in some html lines afterwards"
- If you order the English language version from Xara then you can add the DVD. You will probably be charged in EUROs so the price would be €10. You can enter a separate delivery address but it has to be the same country as your credit card address, but subject to that it can be in any country in the world.

- There will be no 2017 version. Under the 365 day Update Service model we no longer do big annual updates, instead we do more regular incremental updates, so you don't need to worry about whether there is a major upgrade just around the corner.

- You definitely do not need to do any HTML coding, even for creating mobile variants.