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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Question How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    It is approaching a year since the initial release of Designer Pro X 365.

    I think now might be a good time to post comments for Xara/Magix about how well or not well this program has worked.

    From my First Look Review last year, I wrote:

    Here’s a quick explanation of how the 365 Update Service works. When you purchase Designer Pro X 365 (or any of the other 365 products), you get new content, features and updates for one year. If you renew your purchase at the end of the 365 days, you continue to have access to all the content, new features, and updates. If you decide to wait a while, after the 365 days are up, the product is still available but the Content Catalog, any new updates, and new features will no longer be available.
    So, what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    I have been disappointed.

    I will say that Xara has done some updates to the content catalog over this past year. However, the big reason I thought that Xara wentwith this new program model was so that Xara could release new features to the program without waiting for the next years program release. Xara has not made any release to the program other than a bug fix and we got that under the old model. Xara made a big point in saying that they are constantly working on new features and with the new program model these features could be implemented right away. Well where are they?

    So the real question is, when the year is up do we renew because there has not been any program feature updates so all you would be getting is a content catalog. Or has Xara gone back to the old program model and not told anybody and only new features will be release with new software.

    As far as what the software does, I like it real well. I do think Xara needs to address document publishing needs because they are failing behind the other manufactures and they to need worked on this to stay in this market.

    Last edited by RKissane; 03 February 2017 at 01:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Middletown, Delaware

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    Gary's highlighted comment in the first post is the exact reason I have not upgraded to the 365 version. The comments in the second post were also what I was concerned about. I realize that several software providers are going to this method of ensuring cash flow but I am old fashioned and do not intend to support this practice. I realize that we do not 'own' this software but rather we 'own' the right to use it but somehow this just seems wrong to me. As I said, I am old fashioned and I don't wish to stir up any ill feelings but you asked what I thought.

    (I use version X9 almost every day and it never fails me...had Xara/Magix continued with their previous marketing practices I would have updated.)
    Last edited by BobMoyer; 03 February 2017 at 01:32 PM. Reason: spelling

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    once bitten twice shy
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Savannah, Georgia Area

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    My sentiment is the same as most. This version will be my last.
    Have supported them for the last few years... But don't feel like it's worth to continue.

  6. #6

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    One more me too?

    I didn't believe in the concept from the first announcement and I think that like others have mentioned, it hasn't been executed well.

    setting aside the connectivity issues that pop up from time to time, the on-line content is a slow slog at the best of times. Also the fact that XDP hasn't really seen any true features being added, the lack of even knowing what is on a road-map for future inclusion is plain stupid. It amounts to a pig in a poke, blind faith or what have you.

    There needs to be more open communication, even if it "hurts." Where does Xara plan on taking XDP? What exactly is being planned? What is the hold up in executing those plans?

    And Gary, do you think this thread will really result in anything positive from either Magix Tricks or Xara?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Baltimore, MD, USA

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    So I have not posted here in a while. I've been with Xara since the beginning (I guess that shows my age and my better decisions I've made in my life), and I'm sitting currently working on a new logo for my friend in XP11. I'm an exceptionally loyal person (been married over 30 years) , and tend to stick with what works for me, through thick and thin. I have religiously upgraded since the '90s (through mergers etc..) , and have produced designs I've never thought would come out of my hands with this wonderful tool. I purposely did not upgrade to 365 to see where Charles Moir and others are going to take us. As others have stated, I waited patiently for the product to evolve as a vector design product, and it has not grown significantly for my personal requirements. It is very difficult for me to move away from a product, one due to my loyalty, and the other is I hate to go through another learning curve, however, I think the time for me personally has come. None of the vector products I've used through the years have been perfect, but after testing the new Affinity Designer, I'm going to switch. It may work out it may not but I think the new subscription model coupled with lack of significant engineering movement on the product makes my decision easier. It is not the new model, it is the new model with the last 2 years of lack of engineering movement on the product.
    Dave Zubrowski

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Saltney, Flintshire, UK

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    It is approaching a year since the initial release of Designer Pro X 365.

    I think now might be a good time to post comments for Xara/Magix about how well or not well this program has worked.

    From my First Look Review last year, I wrote:

    So, what do you think?
    Well my tuppence......having been around this forum, mainly lurking, for near seventeen years, I must say that I have never seen such disdain for Xara, and that has to say something in itself.

    As to the 365 issue......I have upgraded because it asked me to and because I'm in the habit of doing so, every year, rain or shine, skint or flush. I don't use the software daily to earn a living but regularly, at a high level, for my business and doing some light design work for clients and acquaintances. I'm not a Designer Pro user that relies on it. That being said, I, like many here, have invested CONSIDERABLE time and effort in the software, as well as money, and I have seen virtually NOTHING in the past year that makes me want to rush out and upgrade; what I have seen is a stream of fixes and light enhancements that I would consider should come as a matter of course. Main new features? The content catalogue? Who cares, really? I have multiple ssd drives I use for backup and my own mirror cloud and I can make and save myriad items there, and the items offered by Xara are, IMO, at best surplus and there is only so many fonts and themes that are truly useful, so who really cares?

    As to the online editor, that they claim is so sought after....by whom? I have an office and loads of tablets and laptops, but I don't need to update webs and the like at a critical place outside my office. If Xara/Magix want to invest in new and innovative products, invest your own funds or find true investors, don't screw the loyal customers as a cash cow and investment vehicle, which is exactly what i think they are doing.

    I see no real benefit to 365 or the model of subscriptions based software, not for the customer. Fix bugs and make slight enhancements available.....and after a year produce a new and improved product, but don't treat us like morons and try and convince us you will make the software better over the coming year...maybe...depending on what you use it for...and depending on what you need...and depending on what you want etc, etc.

    I've upgraded this time to keep a level of continuity, but by this time next year I will have ported to another web creation programme and another photo enhancement programme, and probably just keep the vector designer pro offering.

    Shame really...but ultimately I won't be the one losing out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Greenville, SC, USA

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    You know, I also use a program called vectorworks architect. Great program. About 5-7 years ago it had fallen behind the times. Great 2d tool. But.... Late to convert to 64-bit. Weak 3D geometry editing abilities. Weak rendering. No associativity. No procedural modeling. Slow to adopt BIM methods and tools. The forum comments had a similar fee to these forum comments. In the case of vectorworks, they did slowly address the major issues between about 2010-2015. By slowly, they were bringing out one major fix/upgrade per year and many minor fixes/upgrades per year. And at one point, in 2015, they rolled out several new major features that were very well implemented. I don't know how they introduced so many new features in one release and integrated them that well. Now their forum comments are filled with task oriented questions and optimism-or at least not negativity and concern. They also have engineers participating on the forum. It went from looking dire to lots of optimism and enthusiasm. So turning things around can happen and it can be worth sticking with a company and a tool. But it does mean that real progress must be made. In the cas of vectorworks, they also adopted a customer-centric approach to development. They did ongoing, continuous customer engagement and research and oriented their efforts around what he market was telling them they needed.

    with respect to the forum itself, the modo forum is a great example of the forum as a primary driver and value of the software. Since its start, it has been a great community. In that case, developers from the software maker are also heavily involved with the forum.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    ...Granada province, Andalucia, Spain

    Default Re: How do you feel about the 365 Program?

    Very little chance of any of the above happening here. Xara/Magix appear to be listening, the rare comments from the powers that be suggest that is so, but the facts over the past year and beyond tell a different story. They have their own plans, which they won't divulge and despite a few mealy-mouthed comments about how they are listening, they are just meaningless, empty words. The company deserves to fail, they have treated their customers and a few of their members who have devoted many years of selfless work, by offering stunning tutorials and promotional videos only to be pushed to the side-lines. The recent price hikes are not commensurate with improvements to the product, but feel like naked greed. The company deserves to rot.
    ** Detailed "Create A Spinning Logo Tutorial" is available in .pdf format for download at this link **
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx.




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