I have a large site here: www.meltonwaterways.org.uk. It currently has about 107 pages and lots of photos. When editing this site I am getting very strange results.

If I click on "Insert duplicate of the current page" I get the added and renamed page but it appears distant from the one that I am copying. It appears as page 55 when I have dupicated page 2. What's more I get a second page renamed the same. In the test that I am doing I created one copy of page 2. news. Two copies appeared together as pages 55 and 56.

If I delete one of the copies both of them disappear. If I rename one of the copies then both are renamed.

Editing one copy doesn't edit the other. But I need to be careful to link to the correct one or it appears that the page hasn't updated when I upload it.

It is very frustrating and means that I can't sensibly use the "insert duplicate page" button.
