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  1. #1

    Default Multimedia Site Re-vamp...


    Just did a revamp on my own media-biz website (but haven't had time to do the revamp on MOBILE version) (Still using the old style for that)

    I do a lot of work in POLITICAL and GENERAL type advertising/production and there's a lot to present in each of the categories
    including a fare amount of audio and video samples.

    Rather than do a zillion pages, I decided to put each category on one page with sub-nav buttons on the top of each category page.
    People can manually scroll of course but can also go right to their desired area of interest with an auto scroll. (I use the great javascript:scroller code that
    I found here on talkgraphics to allow for smooth, easing type scrolling. Works perfectly.

    I have over 40 audio and video ads etc. and in the past had a very custom, player-gallery on a completely separate URL,
    which although works just fine, was a tad cumbersome for the user to leave the site and have to select from categories
    of tv ads, radio ads, print ads, mail pieces, voice overs, videos etc. etc. I wanted everything to be on the same page.

    After hunting around for media players, I settled on Wimpy and did some extensive
    tweaks to the skins and backgrounds etc. to get the look and options I wanted for each player.
    They have a skin designer that's actually pretty cool and works well. (Just a bit of a learning curve though)

    I use jot form for an email form and a couple other Xara provided sliders or galleries for print.
    I also use a parallax view technique (again learned here on the forums) on some pages.

    BTW, the folks on this forum are MOST HELPFUL and reliable! I sincerely appreciate their learn-ed input and suggestions!

    Here's the link, and again, the MOBILE version is still the OLD version until I have time to mess with that.



    I'm using DPX12 or 365 whatever the latest is.

    I love this software but finding the online CONTENT CATALOG a bit tedious at times WAITING for it to open.
    I use Comcast's Ultra High Speed service with pretty fast download times of 85-90 Mbps but
    still can find myself waiting up to 15 seconds for the catalog to open.

    ALSO would love to see them get true grayscale output handled.

    Overall though, to be able to do websites and commercial ready print
    in the same software, WITHOUT BEING IN A CLOUD, is simply MARVELOUS!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Multimedia Site Re-vamp...

    Bob - Great site!

    What would happen if you changed your four meter buttons so on mouse over the needle moves to the right?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Multimedia Site Re-vamp...

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Bob - Great site!

    What would happen if you changed your four meter buttons so on mouse over the needle moves to the right?

    UPDATE: to this email......Gary, the thing is, they're NOT buttons.

    Hiya Gary-

    Don't think for a second I wasn't considering a zillion options with those meters.

    I considered building some animated gifs of the needles moving but I really hate anything flashing
    when trying to focus on sites, so I ruled that one out.

    Then, whilst pondering, I thought of the a mouse over with a needle rise
    but was quickly reminded of having to go back and do a LOT of messing with the graphic to isolate
    the needle and then re-add the dashes etc. etc. on a gradient bg no less and then passed on that

    more so from the aspect of not wanting people to think if they CLICKED on one it would take them
    to that category. It's kind of deceptive as it is and I was afraid to call any additional attention to them.

    I like the look of them though in the color scheme (probably because of memories) and am still pondering.

    Good suggestion though.
    Thanks, I'm still tweaking things. '-)
    Last edited by BobH; 05 January 2017 at 03:07 PM. Reason: forgot something

  4. #4

    Default Re: Multimedia Site Re-vamp...


    Now that you mention it,
    your first thought was that they were buttons.
    Think I should lose the text on each and put that
    verbiage elsewhere?

    I could just have the proverbial
    VU that was on each so there's NO confusion whatsoever.

    The actual nav bar is at the top...

    Thanks, Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Multimedia Site Re-vamp...

    Ah, yes I see now. Then here's another idea. Since the point is to call attention to these four areas, you could start with each VU meter darker then one by one have them illuminate. Otherwise there is no reason to have the VU meters. My first thought when seeing the meters and the mixing console is OK Bob is a recording engineer.

    Also, consider an favicon for your site (like the red tg on this page) and expand your page title from hearbob.com to something more descriptive of the site. Seach engines look at the page title and you can have about a dozen words so make the title work for you.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Multimedia Site Re-vamp...

    Good ideas Gary.
    I had forgotten about the favicon and the title.

    Yep, I think I best re-think having the meters.
    Maybe just visual (image) interpretations of each
    of the main services provided or some such. Hmm,
    I'll have to think on that.

    Very difficult to find just the right graphics to convey the services
    without it looking token. More thought needed on this one.

    THANK YOU for your candid thoughts!


  7. #7

    Default Re: Multimedia Site Re-vamp...


    I'd like to thank you again for taking the time
    to view my site and offer suggestions.

    I took your advice about losing the VU Meters which
    of course suggests I ONLY provide audio services etc.

    After trying a zillion different ideas, I decided to use
    a small and subtle, animated-gif of an ocean wave that breaks and fades into itself etc.,
    that plays off my line, "Where Superlative Ideas Merge...."

    On either side
    I list some of my key services, without anything "looking" like buttons
    as the meters may have done.

    Since I live in Florida, the "ocean" ties-in to that aspect as well.
    I also use an ocean scene elsewhere on the site as a bottom layer
    parallax image.

    Also, added a flavicon as you suggested.

    Again, thank you for thoughts and taking the time!
    And thank you for ALL of your brilliant tips and tuts! Splendid!






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