I had always thought that Xaras image compression methods where good enough, but as I recently had to
edit hundreds of large images for a cms-based online shop I had to learn, that there's greatly better compressors

The images, to support mobile devices had to small in terms of file-size, but on the other hand Smartphone and Tablet
screens are so large and have such an enormous pixel density – one can't simply serve low res images either – that just
wouldn't look good enough to trigger a purchase.

There's several commercial Tools around, which use quantization very effectively – but one can also use Google
PageSpeed with any Xara-created Site: The analysis will tell you that all your images could get shrunk quite a bit – without
any visible impact. Google even lets you download a zip with all re-compressed images.

For the project in question we used Kraken – I've linked it's web-interface, which lets you quickly try things out.
Of course results will differ but we could usually achieve savings of a third or more, compared to Photoshop CS6
(which we used to edit our images).

It would be great to have similar compression available in future versions of Xara.