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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Toronto, Canada

    Default Re: In reply to the post on the Web Chat forum, for more sites in Gallery

    Thanks behzad, I appreciate your comments.



  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Darlington, Western Australia

    Default Re: In reply to the post on the Web Chat forum, for more sites in Gallery

    Some of these I have posted here over the years, but they are revamped yearly so here they are again :
    http://andersoncommunications.com.au/index.htm (this client did not want a mobile site, and I am glad because there are many speakers! He may one day change his mind)
    and a new one under construction (and not updated yet), which really only has November and December pages complete http://www.perthhillsevents.com/index.htm

    I really think that clients should try and submit the best quality photos for their website, but alas, that rarely happens. Poor quality pics let down websites. There are many pics on these websites that I would prefer not to have on the site, but they are representative of the clients business so its not my choice. For example, the Feldenkrais practitioner has given me photos from the Feldenkrais Org of Australia that practitioners may use, and these look quite good on the site. But the photos on her About page are not good enough quality and are jarringly different to the rest of the site. She is providing me with new photos when she returns to Oz next month, and she agrees that the pics need to be more in keeping with the rest of the site. The guitar makers photos of his handmade guitars are not good at all and not representative of his very good craftmanship, but many requests for better quality photos to showcase his work have not been answered over the years, hence the use of stock photos for many of the pics.

    As with most of us, I am my worst critic and I can now see glaringly obvious design faults in all of these websites and I wish I could go back and correct them all! Ah well, I will try and remember to not make the same mistakes in the next website.

    One thing I notice often is that different countries seem to have trends. In Oz it is very large images, and stretched banners, which I don't tend to see as much of in the UK and the states . . or am I not looking very well?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: In reply to the post on the Web Chat forum, for more sites in Gallery

    Beautiful work Abi. Clean. Contemporary. And easy to navigate.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Darlington, Western Australia

    Default Re: In reply to the post on the Web Chat forum, for more sites in Gallery

    Thanks Gary. I am a big fan of the sticky nav bar! I was so excited when Xara introduced that last year.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Bella Vista, AR

    Default Re: In reply to the post on the Web Chat forum, for more sites in Gallery

    These three are mockups, for fictitious businesses. I'm a newcomer to Xara, and although I bought 365 last May, I didn't open the tin until 10 - 12 days ago. So, I still have a lot of learning yet to do, and these are not complete by a long shot. Not really for critique yet....I'm posting, really to encourage any newcomers to jump on in. The water is fine. When these get done, they will post as demos to my own business site, merely for potential clients to see.

    http://www.lpleblanc.com/fhbs A barber shop (both desktop and mobile variants done)
    http://lpleblanc.com/photodemo/ Inspired by the "Hipster" template. Desktop variant only
    http://lpleblanc.com/demo-dine/index.htm A fine dining restaurant. Desktop variant only. Title name created in Logoist

    Jack "burnt some midnight oil this week" in NWArkansas




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