Thanks for testing this!

I've just bought it, because they say I can return it. What I see so far is - for my narrow world of its usage - it is on par with Inkscape. The nondestructive part is good, but they simply left it out at "divide" where it would more or less reflect Xara's "ClipView". And boolean ops on groups seem not to exist.
Xara misses these nondestructive booleans, but destructing is less of a problem, I usually keep a copy or draw something again. In contrast, I think repeating a task is a bit harder to do, e.g. when you want to cut something away from a group that has lots of shapes in it.
So.. for my case it's unfortunately a bit more like DrawPlus. And I wish they would not have switched to a dark interface. Why did everyone switch to dark interfaces? I get depressed. I'm no vampire. Same with Xara (I forgot that command line switch).