I'm new in this forum. So please be patient.

After designing my Site with Web Designer 12 Premium i've tested my Site with "Test My Site with Google".

It told me that the speed of my site ist poor!

So i tried to follow the explanaitions:

Optimize images
I optimize the pictures with the Option "Optimize all pictures" with no better result!?! Do i need to optimize the pictures before i use them?

Remove Render Blocking Javascript
I followed the link: https://developers.google.com/speed/...hts/BlockingJS
So i take a look at the scipts I implemented myself. Like Google Analytics! At this point i was only able to activate async.
But if i take a look at the source of the website there is a lot of external javascript.
Is there a possibility to reduce this?

If you like to take a look at my Site: https://sunshinedreams.house

I'm happy about every hint to speed up my Site!

