Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
hoja, just to check against bullets one and four. If I have 100 quality files, all beautifully named, then you don't want to have to add them to your Xara design but access then for a hosted drive under the main URL of the site, e.g., <site>.index.htm and a folder <site>/Posh Pics/ ?

Including click objects to drive events, within Xara, necessarily implies any presented image should include hyperlinks and web animations. If this is so, I think it would exclude local file hosting. This means designing two generic widgets.

Acorn - the SEA Board
Hi Acorn,
these files obviously need to get uploaded somewhere and someway, but it was preferable if we could determine the Server ourselves.
Realistically one will rather not have 100 files in a single slideshow, attaching them one by one could get tedious :o).
Third party sliders such as WOWslider call external libraries for fancy effects, but images keep in the hand of user. I will likely use
WOWslider for my next projects, (so please don't do this for me) but if that auto-image cycler you already have with little effort could get
extended to a user-controlled Slider with some nice transition effects, this sure was interesting.