Deep: Thank you for looking into this situation for me. I have tried to re-import the image and have also tried importing it in different formats from .PNG to BMP and the result is always the same with added file size. There are some objects that lay over the image. Obviously the dropdown menus are on top but, there are also invisible buttons that lay on top of the initial buttons that appear on the image itself.

Chuck: To answer your question on how I merged the Flash with the non-Flash sections of the page; You are right, I chopped one large image into sections and put them into a table. For the center (Flash section), I simply imported the image, that would have otherwise gone in the center cell, into Flash and aligned it "top/left". Then I just plugged the Flash movie into the cell of the table. Sounds like a lot of work I know, but I used some techniques and software that I learned on this forum (from Deep & Bill) to do this. If you use Macromedia Fireworks to create the image of whatyou want the whole page to look like, you can break it up into "slices" and export it as html. From there, you have your html (that you will have to modify a little) and all your images broken up for you. It's actually pretty easy if you have the right tools. Fireworks has been a tremendous asset for me even though the html code is not always clean. You can always brush it up a little.

Thanks everyone,
