I want to move the page background 20 pixels south of the absolute top of the browser. I found that I can click on the page background and assign it to be 20 pixels down in the Y axis and it looks great.

It looks great until I edit ANYTHING on the page. Then it moves back to the 0 Y position.

It makes no difference if I've locked the page background or not. I was hoping to also have a 20 pixel border at the bottom of the page, but I know for a certainty that without a bit of wizardry that isn't going to happen either as each time I try to "shorten" the page background, all I'm actually doing is moving it up.

As I'm sitting here typing this post, the page that is open in XWD just changed on its own. No longer is is 20 pixels lower, it is at the absolute top of the page.

Did a search on the forum, nothing.

Checked the program's documentation, but apparently there is no option to place a border around the page background.

I'm using an image for the site background, and have it set to fill browser page, so I would really like to be able to have a clear border at the top and bottom of all pages.

Can it be done? Sorry, I know it can be done, but how do you make it stay?