This is a site redesign for a sight which originally went live about 4 years back. It was time for an update to fully responsive. The client asked for a video in the hero area so we created one and added some music to it and timed some animated elements to sync with the music. Yes there is music on the site but it's subtle and suits the clients target market (think under 25s) There is a clear mute button for those who want to mute and though the video loops the sound is set to play once only and is set to initially play at 50% volume as well. Nearly all the elements (images, text etc) can be edited by the client and the gallery is linked to an album on the clients facebook page and is fully synced to show the latest photos at the top and load more if needed. The video will only play on desktop/laptops, replaced by a static image on mobiles.

The site was created in adobe muse. Comments are, as usual, welcome.