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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia Area

    Default XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Hello all,
    I continue getting this error message from Xara WD Premium (Failed to copy the XAR files support folder). This problem just started as I continue to work on building a website. I have saved my website and re-started the program several times, but this error message keeps returning.

    Also, I continue having problems with my Navigation Bar. I have a 5 page website and because of help here I was able to get the Nav Bar working so that clicking on each button brought up it's proper page. However, when I began working on the website this morning, the Nav Bar worked partially, then not at all. I noticed that when I went to the Nav Bar Properties to check, when I "unticked & tick" the "Site Navigation Bar (automatically links to all pages and appears on all pages in the site)" I note an additional Home (index) page keeps being added. I have gone back an Deleted this page several times but it keeps coming back. Any suggestions please? Finally, how do I delete all of the extra copies of my 5 page website. I note that each time I change the file name the program saves another copy of the website. I am not talking about the "BackUp Copies". I just want to get rid of all of the copies when I open program and go to File > Open Recent. So far there are 20 copies. Thank you for all your assistance and comments to date. I've appreciated it all.

    Last edited by musicmanbob; 04 May 2016 at 04:32 PM. Reason: Added question

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia Area

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Hello again all, WD 10 Premium referred me back to a previous copy of the website I am working. So far the XAR files support folder error message has not come up again. I will keep working and let you know what happens. Earlier it popped up every few minutes. So far so good.
    I am still having problems with the Nav Bar problems. Would the "Mouse Over/Mouse Off" have anything to do with the Nav Problem? Just asking. I will continue to work on it until I hear from someone here. If I find the problem, I will come right back and let you all know. Thanks for your help.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Every time you change the filename (Save As...), you will get a new file, QED.
    All these will appear in your Recent list and will also be backed up.

    So you could go to Utilities > Options... > General > Recent files and change the number to a small one.
    It doesn't get rid of the files, just hides them.

    If you want to purge this list then it is an adventure into RegEdit land - if you don't know what this is, don't go there.

    You also need to open Windows Explorer and delete the unwanted copies.

    So why are you doing this?
    Save your real file in Xara and in Windows Explorer copy and rename to a dated version and save safe.
    I use Dropbox to keep back copies automatically.

    Don't tick" the "Site Navigation Bar (automatically links to all pages and appears on all pages in the site)".
    You simply need to pick the page link for each button.
    I assume you've not deleted the "page" just the aberrant button.

    Raise the error message with Xara Support.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Raise the error message with Xara Support.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia Area

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Good evening Acorn and GWpriester, just got back from bible study and wanted to acknowledge your replies to my request for help. I understand this is a learning process for me and I welcome the opportunity to learn from everyone here. And believe me, I very much appreciate you all taking the time to help. I will be back in touch. Thank you so much.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia Area

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Good morning friends,
    Here is where I am regarding Nav Bar problems. I have set up my Nav Bar based on the example provided in XARA's Nav Bar Properties Dialog HELP. I have ticked and unticked the (Site Nav Bar-Auto links to all pages) while deleting the additional Nav Bar pages that kept returning. Whether I the box ticked or unticked made no difference. the Nav Bar still did not work. I kept getting the Error Message "Website not found". I use these browsers, Chrome, Explorer, Opera & Foxfire. I also went back to each of my websites 5 pages to make sure nothing on the page, ie, text, graphics, etc, did not interacted or touch the Nav Bars. I also went back to to make sure I picked the page link for each button. Recently, I noticed when I use any of my browsers, I get the error message "Page has not been exported yet". I have reached the narrow limit of my knowledge and need some help. Believe me, any suggestions would be very welcomed. By the way, I've even moved the Nav Bars just to make sure there was no a duplicate Nav Bar under the main one. Although I think I've gone as far as I can go I will continue working on this for now. You know I did not have these problems with my previous WD 7 Premium. Thanks for your help and suggestions.
    Last edited by musicmanbob; 05 May 2016 at 03:12 PM. Reason: Added statements

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by musicmanbob View Post
    Good morning friends,
    Here is where I am regarding Nav Bar problems. I have set up my Nav Bar based on the example provided in XARA's Nav Bar Properties Dialog HELP. I have ticked and unticked the (Site Nav Bar-Auto links to all pages) while deleting the additional Nav Bar pages that kept returning. Whether I the box ticked or unticked made no difference. the Nav Bar still did not work. I kept getting the Error Message "Website not found". I use these browsers, Chrome, Explorer, Opera & Foxfire. I also went back to each of my websites 5 pages to make sure nothing on the page, ie, text, graphics, etc, did not interacted or touch the Nav Bars. I also went back to to make sure I picked the page link for each button. Recently, I noticed when I use any of my browsers, I get the error message "Page has not been exported yet". I have reached the narrow limit of my knowledge and need some help. Believe me, any suggestions would be very welcomed. By the way, I've even moved the Nav Bars just to make sure there was no a duplicate Nav Bar under the main one. Although I think I've gone as far as I can go I will continue working on this for now. You know I did not have these problems with my previous WD 7 Premium. Thanks for your help and suggestions.
    Simples, you need to Preview the Whole website.
    Use F5 or File > Preview website or click on the multipage eye icon.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia Area

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Dear moderator, I have reviewed my 5 page website going through each page slowly making sure nothing is touching Nav Bar area and that there are no duplicate Nav Bar's underneath the original. I have just attempted to perform your request, ie, Previewing the Whole Website. Using each of my 4 browsers, I get the error message, "Requested URL has no Content". So, in each of these efforts I don't get to pages with the Nav Bar showing. Thank you so much for your reaching out to me. I will go back over what you've suggested to see if I missed something.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Toronto, Canada

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Hi Bob, in your last thread post 11 on April 19th I redid your navbar and put in an attachment of the whole WEB file that worked fine ( see attachment below). Have you considered continuing with those 5 pages for all the other additions. You may also want to upload your web file to this forum, this way it might be easier for people to help you with your current problem.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia Area

    Default Re: XAR file support folder & Nav Bar Problems

    Good Friday afternoon Roly,
    I tried to send you a private message, but appeared to be unsuccessful. What happened was, I attempted to use another Nav Bar and began having similar problems with the Nav Bar and not being able to access the internet using each of my 4 browsers. I also made some changes to several of the original 5 page website. I can tell you it's very frustrating. I recall you mentioning I could choose to use another Nav Bar so I attempted to do that. I wish I knew exactly what the problem was so I could go right to the source. I am 70 plus now, but when I was a young boy I recall stumbling onto the correct answer to a math problem, but was frustrated because I could not replicate the answer to that problem. Finally, I had to sit down with the teacher so she could explain that particular process. This reminds me of that situation.

    Roly I will return to attached file and take my time to go through the Nav Bar area to see exactly how you've got it set up. I am hopeful that will help me get my act together so that I can move forward. Right now this issue is preventing me from learning and going to the next level as I get to know WD 10 Premium better. I will be back in touch with you.





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