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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Bucharest, Romania

    Smile PixelServed - a simple way to preview Xara designs on an Android Device

    Hello everyone,
    I would like to introduce to you PixelServed.
    PixelServed is more like a companion app for Xara. It offers a simple way preview UI designs created with Xara on an Android device.

    A brief overview on how to use the app is here: https://youtu.be/w9d5u6sb_Mg
    More informations are here: http://luciandinu.com/projects/pixelserved/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: PixelServed - a simple way to preview Xara designs on an Android Device

    Your post was put in moderation as it contains links to a commercial product. Since Xara is involved I have approved the thread. Thanks and good luck with this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Kansas City Missouri

    Default Re: PixelServed - a simple way to preview Xara designs on an Android Device

    Quote Originally Posted by luciandesign View Post
    Hello everyone,
    I would like to introduce to you PixelServed.
    PixelServed is more like a companion app for Xara. It offers a simple way preview UI designs created with Xara on an Android device.

    A brief overview on how to use the app is here: https://youtu.be/w9d5u6sb_Mg
    More informations are here: http://luciandinu.com/projects/pixelserved/
    If xara, or another company, would offer a software program that is automatically responsive, it would make apps like that unnecessary.
    Since it has been awhile since google's responsive announcement, i would have thought that there would be several good options today.
    Seems to me that whoever releases the first one, will end up with the majority of the business.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: PixelServed - a simple way to preview Xara designs on an Android Device

    If xara, or another company, would offer a software program that is automatically responsive, it would make apps like that unnecessary.

    The android app in question doesn't have any relationship with responsive design that I can see. It's just a viewer. I haven't tried it and don't really see the point of it. I'd advise caution about downloading any app to any device from a developer you are unfamiliar with.

    Since it has been awhile since google's responsive announcement, i would have thought that there would be several good options today. Seems to me that whoever releases the first one, will end up with the majority of the business.

    There are plenty of options out there for building responsive websites - you can use template-based systems or other framework-based systems to construct a responsive website, but you will find that you will need to know the limitations of the templating system or framework and stay within them. Going beyond those basics will require a good understanding of HTML and CSS.

    If you put the effort in to learning the technology you can do anything. If you don't you have to compromise.

    Xara gives you a web design platform that gives you superb control - WYSIWYG. You put something somewhere and it will stay there. That's not true of responsive web design. So Xara makes it easy to build pages, but they aren't responsive; instead Xara provides an adaptive solution to support different device sizes.

    Be careful what you ask for, because when you see it, it may well turn out to be not what you want or are comfortable with.

    There is no universal web site building system that satisfies everyone's needs. The 'easy' ones have a limitation that irks those needing more sophistication and control, the complex ones provide superb control with a steep learning curve that intimidates the average user.

    Sorry Leonard, there are loads of options out there already. Xara does a pretty good job for most html-naive users.

    There's a reason why Xara websites aren't responsive - it's not compatible with WYSIWYG design, or simplicity without restrictions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Bucharest, Romania

    Default Re: PixelServed - a simple way to preview Xara designs on an Android Device

    PixelServed is not related with webdesign or responsive webdesign. Is a simple tool that I've build for myself to prototype UI designs created with Xara and preview (mirror) them on a device (to simply check the design). This is similar with the Photoshop CC new option "Device Preview".

    PixelServed is a free app, is not a commercial product, is just a simple utility to make things simple for those who use Xara for UI design.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: PixelServed - a simple way to preview Xara designs on an Android Device

    @Leonard - in case you get the wrong idea from my earlier post - I completely understand why people want Xara to morph to that responsive website solution. I think it's just understanding why that's not possible without turning the software into another product entirely. So many people have wanted Xara to be that responsive solution.

    Xara's adaptive approach (different sites served according to browser width) isn't responsive, but in some ways is even better than a responsive solution, in others not quite so good.

    Adaptive solutions allow for different (and lighter downloads) according to the browser width. That can be a great thing for mobile. The downside is that you have to design multiple sites (as easy as Xara makes it).

    With responsive sites, the downloads and design remain mostly the same. It could mean a longer download than strictly is necessary for mobile.

    Swings and roundabouts.




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