Quote Originally Posted by Mikhail View Post
Hey m8s! It was deep night when i wrote my previous post and i was bit tyred... Yep the size of exported TIFF image is right in pixels, my bad i was check resample button on my pictures! But anyway there is one more question: Why TIFF exported WITHOUT lzw compression photoshop opens with sizes 93.68cm*66.03*96.012dpi. But with LZW checked on, opens with quite right size 29.98cm*21.13cm*300dpi? In my case the problem here, that some printers and printing house can't work with LZW tiff (or don't want to . So here the one more problem of TIFF exporter. I need to use some more software, like imageconverters. With best regards
The dimensions of the 96dpi export are an exact multiple of 300/96.012 to those of the 300dpi. Why this scaling is occurring is beyond me but you may be able to resize by 96.012/300 to get your required dimension at 300dpi.
