My problem, Eric, is a problem of scale and of time. It's not a deal-breaker that Xara Designer doesn't get the whole numbers right without manual intervention. It's a nuisance.

For example: The last month's site I did for the Xara Xone, last August? It took me over 90 minutes, while the meter is running, to get the screen captures all nice and even along the edges, as professionals are wont to do (, because I had over two score of images to go into the Content Management System.

What I expect is that if a program calls itself "Pro", then it should accommodate those people who do sites for a living, with the least amount of unavoidable grief put on the buyer of such software.

By the way, I, too, cannot justify buying Photoshop merely for making images pixel-perfect around the edges. I'm not even using the Cloud version, but stayed at CS6 as part of my working tools. Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 can do the same thing with edge pixels for under $100. But this is hardly the point.

This is a Wish List. I'd like to see it continue without contention. I've argued for prioritizing this list just as you have, Eric: I feel that this is a drawing program first, and a web designing program second, and yet the majority of the wishes here are for more/better website creation tools.

So I'd be a hypocrite if I told you to leave my wishes alone here, don't downplay them, but I'll put up with the inconvenience as long as I've registered it here.

It took three versions to get the brush effects I've been pleading for.

I'll just wear knee guards in the future if I'm going to be down on my knees for this long.

My Best,
