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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Question Multiple photo galleries on same page

    Web Designer Premium 11. I have been using Serif WebPlus x8 for this site(http://www.prospectarchitecture.com/). Serif has not updated to a rwd format like Xara's. Serif uses page redirects; I like Xara's approach better. I am trying to make my desktop version index page operate in Xara as it does in Serif. Then I will design the variants. I have nine photo galleries that open in lightboxes on current(Serif) site. When they close, the guest is dropped back on the index page and can select another gallery with one click. The guest doesn't have to go to nine separate photo gallery pages and then click to return to view others.

    I have tried numerous approaches in Xara to achieve the same effect, but to no avail. Even when I create a separate hidden layer to the galleries, Xara will include all the photos in one massive gallery. I used lightboxes in Serif, but can't find an equivalent in Xara.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: Multiple photo galleries on same page

    My suggestion when you have a lot of photos and lots of galleries is to use something like flickr and embed the galleries, that way it frees up your server space, it speeds up loading as flickrs servers might just be faster than yours, especially if you have shared hosting, also it means it speeds up the design process as you wont have hundreds of photos hogging your computers resources such as memory https://flickrit.com/

    PS I would not describe xara as a responsive web designer, it creates separate htm files using break points to serve up the correct file based on the screen resolution of the viewing device.
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